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C3E: Complex Compute Core Engine v1.0
An engine for handling complex computational tasks
Matrix operations for the Complex Compute Core Engine (C3E) framework. More...
#include <c3e/commons.h>
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Macros | |
#define | MATRIX_ELEM(matrix, row, col) (matrix)->data[(row) * (matrix)->cols + (col)] |
Macro to access a matrix element. | |
Functions | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_init (int rows, int cols) |
Initializes a matrix with the given number of rows and columns. | |
void | c3e_matrix_free (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Frees the memory allocated for a matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_set_elements (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number *values) |
Sets the elements of a matrix to the given values. | |
void | c3e_matrix_fill (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number value) |
Fills a matrix with a specified value. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_get_at (c3e_matrix *matrix, int row, int col) |
Retrieves an element from the matrix at a specific position. | |
int | c3e_matrix_size (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the total number of elements in a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_ones (int rows, int cols) |
Creates a matrix with all elements set to one. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_ones_like (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Creates a matrix of ones with the same shape as another matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_zeros (int rows, int cols) |
Creates a matrix with all elements set to zero. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_zeros_like (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Creates a matrix of zeros with the same shape as another matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_full (int rows, int cols, c3e_number value) |
Creates a matrix with all elements set to a specified value. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_full_like (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number value) |
Creates a matrix with the same shape as another matrix and fills it with a specified value. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_identity (int side) |
Creates an identity matrix of a given size. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_random (int rows, int cols, int seed) |
Creates a matrix with random values. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_random_bound (int rows, int cols, int seed, c3e_number min, c3e_number max) |
Creates a matrix with random values within a specified range. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_copy (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Creates a copy of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_append (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject, int axis) |
Appends one matrix to another along a specified axis. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_add (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Adds two matrices element-wise. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sub (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Subtracts one matrix from another element-wise. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_mul (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Multiplies two matrices element-wise. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_div (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Divides one matrix by another element-wise. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_dot (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Computes the dot product of two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_scale (c3e_matrix *matrix, int x) |
Scales the elements of a matrix by a scalar value. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_transpose (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Transposes a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_slice (c3e_matrix *matrix, int frows, int trows, int fcols, int tcols) |
Slices a sub-matrix from a matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_col_copy (c3e_matrix *matrix, int col, c3e_matrix *dst, int dst_col) |
Copies a column from one matrix to another. | |
void | c3e_matrix_col_sub (c3e_matrix *matrix, int col, c3e_matrix *dst, int dcol, c3e_number scalar) |
Subtracts a scalar value from a column of a matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_col_div (c3e_matrix *matrix, int col, c3e_number scalar) |
Divides a column of a matrix by a scalar value. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_trace (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the trace of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_determinant (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the determinant of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_log_determ (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the logarithm of the determinant of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_frobenius (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the Frobenius norm of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_l1_norm (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the L1 norm of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_infinity_norm (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the infinity norm of a matrix. | |
c3e_vector * | c3e_matrix_get_row (c3e_matrix *matrix, int row) |
Extracts a row from the given matrix and returns it as a c3e_vector. | |
void | c3e_matrix_add_row (c3e_matrix *matrix, int row1, int row2, c3e_number scalar) |
Adds a scaled row to another row in a matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_swap_rows (c3e_matrix *matrix, int row1, int row2) |
Swaps two rows in a matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_multiply_row (c3e_matrix *matrix, int row1, c3e_number scalar) |
Multiplies a row in a matrix by a scalar value. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_normalize (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Normalizes the elements of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_row_echelon (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Converts a matrix to its row echelon form. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_inverse (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_qr_algo (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_cholesky_decomp (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Performs Cholesky decomposition on a matrix. | |
int | c3e_matrix_rank (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Determines the rank of a matrix. | |
int | c3e_matrix_non_zero_rows (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Counts the number of non-zero rows in a matrix. | |
int | c3e_matrix_find_pivot (c3e_matrix *matrix, int col, int row) |
Finds the pivot element in a specified column starting from a given row. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_tril (c3e_matrix *matrix, int diag) |
Extracts the lower triangular part of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_triu (c3e_matrix *matrix, int diag) |
Extracts the upper triangular part of a matrix. | |
c3e_vector * | c3e_matrix_diagonal (c3e_matrix *matrix, int k) |
Extracts the diagonal elements of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_sum (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Sums all elements of a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_max (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Finds the maximum element in a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_min (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Finds the minimum element in a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_mean (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the mean of all elements in a matrix. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_std (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the standard deviation of all elements in a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_min_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Finds the minimum values along a specified dimension. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_max_values (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Finds the maximum values along a specified dimension. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sum_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Computes the sum of elements along a specified dimension. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_mean_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Computes the mean of elements along a specified dimension. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_std_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Computes the standard deviation of elements along a specified dimension. | |
bool | c3e_matrix_all_close (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks if all elements in two matrices are close within a tolerance. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_from_vec (c3e_vector *vector) |
Converts a vector to a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_eigenvec (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the eigenvectors of a matrix. | |
c3e_vector * | c3e_matrix_eigenvalues (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the eigenvalues of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_vec_mul (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_vector *vector) |
Multiplies a matrix by a vector. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_scalar_add (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number x) |
Adds a scalar to each element of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_scalar_sub (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number x) |
Subtracts a scalar from each element of a matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_scalar_mul (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number x) |
Multiplies each element of a matrix by a scalar. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_scalar_div (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number x) |
Divides each element of a matrix by a scalar. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_flatten (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Flattens a matrix into a single-row matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_reshape (c3e_matrix *matrix, int rows, int cols) |
Reshapes a matrix to the specified dimensions. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_clip (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number min, c3e_number max) |
Clips the values of a matrix to be within a specified range. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_sin (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse sine (arcsine) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_sinh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine (arcsinh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sin (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the sine of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sinh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the hyperbolic sine (sinh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_cos (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse cosine (arccos) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_cosh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arccosh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_cos (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the cosine of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_cosh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the hyperbolic cosine (cosh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_tan (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse tangent (arctan) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arc_tanh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent (arctanh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_tan (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the tangent of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_tanh (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_abs (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the absolute value of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_a_range (c3e_number start, c3e_number end, c3e_number step) |
Creates a matrix with values within a specified range. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_cum_sum (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the cumulative sum of matrix elements along a specified axis. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_cum_product (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the cumulative product of matrix elements along a specified axis. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Applies the natural logarithm to each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log10 (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Applies the base-10 logarithm to each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log2 (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Applies the base-2 logarithm to each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log1p (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Applies the natural logarithm of one plus the element to each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_reciproc (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the reciprocal of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_pow (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_number exp) |
Raises each element in the matrix to a specified power. | |
c3e_number | c3e_matrix_product (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the product of all elements in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_rsqrt (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the reciprocal square root of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sqrt (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the square root of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_lerp (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject, c3e_number weight) |
Performs linear interpolation between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_neg (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Negates each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_sign (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the sign of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_equals (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks for element-wise equality between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_less_than (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks for element-wise less-than comparison between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_less_than_eq (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks for element-wise less-than-or-equal comparison between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_greater_than (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks for element-wise greater-than comparison between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_greater_than_eq (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Checks for element-wise greater-than-or-equal comparison between two matrices. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_exp (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the exponential of each element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log_cumsum_exp (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the log-cumulative-sum-exp of each row of the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_log_gamma (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Computes the logarithm of the Gamma function for each element in the matrix. | |
void | c3e_matrix_sort (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Sorts the elements of the matrix in ascending order. | |
void | c3e_matrix_resize (c3e_matrix *matrix, int rows, int cols) |
Resizes the matrix to the specified dimensions. | |
void | c3e_matrix_resize_as (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Resizes the matrix to match the dimensions of another matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_get (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Extracts a submatrix from the given matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_repeat (c3e_matrix *matrix, int rrows, int rcols) |
Repeats the matrix rrows times vertically and rcols times horizontally. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_solve (c3e_matrix *matrix, c3e_matrix *subject) |
Solves the linear system of equations represented by matrix and subject . | |
int | c3e_matrix_arg_min (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Finds the index of the minimum element in the matrix. | |
int | c3e_matrix_arg_max (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Finds the index of the maximum element in the matrix. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arg_sort (c3e_matrix *matrix) |
Returns the indices of the elements in ascending order. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arg_min_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Finds the indices of the minimum values along a specified dimension. | |
c3e_matrix * | c3e_matrix_arg_max_vals (c3e_matrix *matrix, int dim) |
Finds the indices of the maximum values along a specified dimension. | |
This file contains the definitions and functions for working with matrices in the C3E framework. It includes functions for matrix initialization, manipulation, and various matrix operations.
#define MATRIX_ELEM | ( | matrix, | |
row, | |||
col | |||
) | (matrix)->data[(row) * (matrix)->cols + (col)] |
This macro provides a convenient way to access an element in a matrix given its row and column indices.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix structure. |
row | Row index of the element. |
col | Column index of the element. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_a_range | ( | c3e_number | start, |
c3e_number | end, | ||
c3e_number | step | ||
) |
Generates a matrix with elements starting from start
, incrementing by step
, up to but not including end
start | The starting value of the sequence. |
end | The end value of the sequence (exclusive). |
step | The increment value. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_abs | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_add | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Computes the element-wise sum of two matrices of the same dimensions.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
void c3e_matrix_add_row | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | row1, | ||
int | row2, | ||
c3e_number | scalar | ||
) |
Adds a scalar multiple of one row to another row within the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
row1 | Index of the row to be modified. |
row2 | Index of the row to be scaled and added. |
scalar | Scalar value to multiply row2 by before adding to row1. |
bool c3e_matrix_all_close | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Compares each element in the given matrices to see if they are close in value within a certain tolerance, indicating similarity between the matrices.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix to compare with. |
if all elements are close, false
otherwise. c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_append | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject, | ||
int | axis | ||
) |
Combines two matrices by appending the second matrix to the first along the specified axis. Axis 0 appends rows, and axis 1 appends columns.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to append to. |
subject | Pointer to the matrix to append. |
axis | Axis along which to append the matrices (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_cos | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_cosh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_sin | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_sinh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_tan | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arc_tanh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
int c3e_matrix_arg_max | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function returns the index of the largest element in the matrix. The index is computed as a single integer where the row and column indices can be derived.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arg_max_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element represents the index of the maximum value along the specified dimension (0 for rows, 1 for columns).
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | The dimension along which to find maximum values (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
int c3e_matrix_arg_min | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function returns the index of the smallest element in the matrix. The index is computed as a single integer where the row and column indices can be derived.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arg_min_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element represents the index of the minimum value along the specified dimension (0 for rows, 1 for columns).
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | The dimension along which to find minimum values (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_arg_sort | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function returns a matrix containing the indices of the elements sorted in ascending order.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_cholesky_decomp | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Decomposes the matrix into a lower triangular matrix L such that L*L^T = A.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_clip | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | min, | ||
c3e_number | max | ||
) |
Limits the values in the matrix such that they do not exceed the specified minimum and maximum bounds.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
min | Minimum value to clip to. |
max | Maximum value to clip to. |
void c3e_matrix_col_copy | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | col, | ||
c3e_matrix * | dst, | ||
int | dst_col | ||
) |
Copies the elements from a specified column in the source matrix to a specified column in the destination matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the source matrix. |
col | Column index in the source matrix to copy. |
dst | Pointer to the destination matrix. |
dst_col | Column index in the destination matrix where the column is to be copied. |
void c3e_matrix_col_div | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | col, | ||
c3e_number | scalar | ||
) |
Divides each element in the specified column of the matrix by the given scalar value.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
col | Column index in the matrix. |
scalar | The scalar value to divide by. |
void c3e_matrix_col_sub | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | col, | ||
c3e_matrix * | dst, | ||
int | dcol, | ||
c3e_number | scalar | ||
) |
Subtracts a scalar value from each element in the specified column of the matrix and stores the result in another matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the source matrix. |
col | Column index in the source matrix. |
dst | Pointer to the destination matrix. |
dcol | Column index in the destination matrix where the result is stored. |
scalar | The scalar value to subtract. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_copy | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Allocates memory and copies the contents of the source matrix into a new matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to copy. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_cos | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_cosh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_cum_product | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the cumulative product of the elements in the matrix along the specified axis, either row-wise or column-wise.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_cum_sum | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the cumulative sum of the elements in the matrix along the specified axis, either row-wise or column-wise.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_determinant | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The determinant is a scalar value that is a function of a square matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_vector * c3e_matrix_diagonal | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | k | ||
) |
Returns a vector containing the elements on the specified diagonal.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
k | Diagonal offset (0 for main diagonal, positive for above, negative for below). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_div | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Computes the element-wise quotient of two matrices of the same dimensions.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to divide. |
subject | Pointer to the matrix to divide by. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_dot | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Computes the matrix product (dot product) of two matrices.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_vector * c3e_matrix_eigenvalues | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Calculates the eigenvalues of a square matrix, which are scalars representing the factor by which the eigenvectors are scaled during transformation.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_eigenvec | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Calculates the eigenvectors of a square matrix, which are vectors that describe the directions along which the matrix acts by stretching.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_equals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element is 1 if the corresponding elements of matrix
and subject
are equal, and 0 otherwise.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_exp | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the exponential of each element, i.e., e
raised to the power of the element.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
void c3e_matrix_fill | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | value | ||
) |
Sets all elements of the matrix to the given value.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
value | Value to set for all elements in the matrix. |
int c3e_matrix_find_pivot | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | col, | ||
int | row | ||
) |
Identifies the pivot element in the matrix for Gaussian elimination.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
col | Column index to search for the pivot. |
row | Starting row index for the search. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_flatten | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Converts the matrix into a one-dimensional representation, stacking rows sequentially.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
void c3e_matrix_free | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Deallocates the memory associated with the matrix structure and its data.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be freed. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_frobenius | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The Frobenius norm is the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of the matrix elements.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_from_vec | ( | c3e_vector * | vector | ) |
Transforms a vector into a single-column matrix, with each element of the vector becoming a row in the resulting matrix.
vector | Pointer to the vector to convert. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_full | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols, | ||
c3e_number | value | ||
) |
Initializes a matrix with the specified number of rows and columns, and sets all elements to the provided value.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
value | The value to set for all elements in the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_full_like | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | value | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the reference matrix. |
value | The value to set for all elements in the new matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_get | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function extracts elements from the matrix
based on the indices provided in subject
. The subject
matrix contains the row and column indices for the elements to be extracted.
matrix | Pointer to the source matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the matrix containing row and column indices. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_get_at | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | row, | ||
int | col | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
row | Row index of the desired element. |
col | Column index of the desired element. |
c3e_vector * c3e_matrix_get_row | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | row | ||
) |
This function creates a new vector that contains the elements of the specified row from the given matrix. The row index is zero-based, so the first row is index 0.
matrix | Pointer to the c3e_matrix from which to extract the row. |
row | The zero-based index of the row to extract. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_greater_than | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element is 1 if the corresponding element of matrix
is greater than that of subject
, and 0 otherwise.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_greater_than_eq | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element is 1 if the corresponding element of matrix
is greater than or equal to that of subject
, and 0 otherwise.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_identity | ( | int | side | ) |
An identity matrix is a square matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
side | The number of rows and columns (must be equal) in the identity matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_infinity_norm | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The infinity norm is the maximum absolute row sum of the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_init | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
Allocates memory and initializes a matrix structure with the specified dimensions. The matrix data is not initialized.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_inverse | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Calculates the inverse of the matrix if it exists.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_l1_norm | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The L1 norm is the sum of the absolute values of the matrix elements.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_lerp | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject, | ||
c3e_number | weight | ||
) |
This function computes a weighted sum of two matrices, matrix
and subject
, based on the specified weight
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
weight | The interpolation weight, ranging from 0 (all from matrix ) to 1 (all from subject ). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_less_than | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element is 1 if the corresponding element of matrix
is less than that of subject
, and 0 otherwise.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_less_than_eq | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function returns a matrix where each element is 1 if the corresponding element of matrix
is less than or equal to that of subject
, and 0 otherwise.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function computes the natural logarithm (base e) of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log10 | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function computes the logarithm base 10 of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log1p | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function computes log(1 + x)
for each element x
in the matrix, which is useful for computing logarithms of values near zero.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log2 | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function computes the logarithm base 2 of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log_cumsum_exp | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the log of the cumulative sum of the exponentials of the elements in each row.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_log_determ | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant of a matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_log_gamma | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the log of the Gamma function, which generalizes the factorial function, for each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_max | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_max_values | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | Dimension along which to find maximum values (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_mean | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_mean_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | Dimension along which to compute the mean (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_min | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_min_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | Dimension along which to find minimum values (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_mul | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Computes the element-wise product of two matrices of the same dimensions.
matrix | Pointer to the first matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the second matrix. |
void c3e_matrix_multiply_row | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | row1, | ||
c3e_number | scalar | ||
) |
Scales the elements of a specified row by a scalar value.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
row1 | Index of the row to be multiplied. |
scalar | The scalar value to multiply with. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_neg | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function computes the negative of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
int c3e_matrix_non_zero_rows | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_normalize | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Adjusts the matrix elements such that they lie within a certain range, typically [0, 1].
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be normalized. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_ones | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
Initializes a matrix with the specified number of rows and columns, and sets all elements to one.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_ones_like | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the reference matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_pow | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | exp | ||
) |
This function computes the result of raising each element in the matrix to the power of exp
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
exp | The exponent to raise each element to. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_product | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the product of all elements in the matrix, which can be useful for various mathematical and statistical applications.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_qr_algo | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Decomposes the matrix into an orthogonal matrix Q and an upper triangular matrix R.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_random | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols, | ||
int | seed | ||
) |
Initializes a matrix with random values. The randomness is controlled by a seed.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
seed | Seed for the random number generator. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_random_bound | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols, | ||
int | seed, | ||
c3e_number | min, | ||
c3e_number | max | ||
) |
Initializes a matrix with random values within the given bounds [min, max]. The randomness is controlled by a seed.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
seed | Seed for the random number generator. |
min | Minimum value for the random numbers. |
max | Maximum value for the random numbers. |
int c3e_matrix_rank | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The rank is the maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_reciproc | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the reciprocal (1/x) of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_repeat | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | rrows, | ||
int | rcols | ||
) |
This function creates a new matrix where the original matrix is tiled rrows
times along the rows and rcols
times along the columns.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be repeated. |
rrows | Number of repetitions along rows. |
rcols | Number of repetitions along columns. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_reshape | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
Changes the dimensions of the matrix to the given number of rows and columns.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
rows | Number of rows for the new shape. |
cols | Number of columns for the new shape. |
void c3e_matrix_resize | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | rows, | ||
int | cols | ||
) |
This function changes the dimensions of the matrix to rows
by cols
. If the new size is smaller, the matrix elements will be truncated. If larger, the additional elements will be uninitialized.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be resized. |
rows | New number of rows. |
cols | New number of columns. |
void c3e_matrix_resize_as | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function resizes the matrix to have the same number of rows and columns as the subject
matrix. The matrix's content is not affected by this operation.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be resized. |
subject | Pointer to the matrix whose dimensions are used. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_row_echelon | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Transforms the matrix to row echelon form using Gaussian elimination.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_rsqrt | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the reciprocal of the square root of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_scalar_add | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | x | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
x | The scalar value to add. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_scalar_div | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | x | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
x | The scalar value to divide by. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_scalar_mul | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | x | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
x | The scalar value to multiply with. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_scalar_sub | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number | x | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
x | The scalar value to subtract. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_scale | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | x | ||
) |
Multiplies each element of the matrix by the given scalar value.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be scaled. |
x | The scalar value to multiply with. |
void c3e_matrix_set_elements | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_number * | values | ||
) |
Populates the matrix with values provided in an array.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
values | Array of values to set in the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sign | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the sign of each element, returning 1 for positive, -1 for negative, and 0 for zero values.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sin | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sinh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
int c3e_matrix_size | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_slice | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | frows, | ||
int | trows, | ||
int | fcols, | ||
int | tcols | ||
) |
Extracts a sub-matrix from the original matrix, defined by the range of rows and columns specified.
matrix | Pointer to the original matrix. |
frows | Starting row index (inclusive). |
trows | Ending row index (exclusive). |
fcols | Starting column index (inclusive). |
tcols | Ending column index (exclusive). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_solve | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
This function solves the matrix equation matrix * x = subject
for x
. It assumes that matrix
is a square matrix and subject
is a column vector.
matrix | Pointer to the coefficient matrix. |
subject | Pointer to the right-hand side matrix or vector. |
void c3e_matrix_sort | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function sorts all elements in the matrix in ascending order, modifying the matrix in place. The sorting is performed in a row-major order.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to be sorted. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sqrt | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
This function calculates the square root of each element in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_std | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_std_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | Dimension along which to compute the standard deviation (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sub | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_matrix * | subject | ||
) |
Computes the element-wise difference of two matrices of the same dimensions.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to subtract from. |
subject | Pointer to the matrix to subtract. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_sum | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_sum_vals | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | dim | ||
) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
dim | Dimension along which to sum elements (0 for rows, 1 for columns). |
void c3e_matrix_swap_rows | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | row1, | ||
int | row2 | ||
) |
Interchanges the contents of two rows in the matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
row1 | Index of the first row. |
row2 | Index of the second row. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_tan | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_tanh | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_number c3e_matrix_trace | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
The trace is the sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_transpose | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
Swaps the rows and columns of the matrix, effectively rotating it by 90 degrees.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix to transpose. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_tril | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | diag | ||
) |
The lower triangular part includes the diagonal and the elements below it.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
diag | Diagonal offset (0 for main diagonal, positive for above, negative for below). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_triu | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
int | diag | ||
) |
The upper triangular part includes the diagonal and the elements above it.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
diag | Diagonal offset (0 for main diagonal, positive for above, negative for below). |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_vec_mul | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix, |
c3e_vector * | vector | ||
) |
Performs matrix-vector multiplication, resulting in a new vector.
matrix | Pointer to the matrix. |
vector | Pointer to the vector to multiply. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_zeros | ( | int | rows, |
int | cols | ||
) |
Initializes a matrix with the specified number of rows and columns, and sets all elements to zero.
rows | Number of rows in the matrix. |
cols | Number of columns in the matrix. |
c3e_matrix * c3e_matrix_zeros_like | ( | c3e_matrix * | matrix | ) |
matrix | Pointer to the reference matrix. |